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À propos de nous

Notre dévouement et notre engagement envers nos clients sont primordiaux. Nous apportons de l’énergie, de l’enthousiasme ainsi que des connaissances et des compétences récentes à notre travail.

Notre histoire 

En 1983, Dr. Iris Jackson, C. Psych. a fondé Gilmour Psychological Services® (GPS) avec l'aide de Karen Davies, qui avait alors sa maîtrise. Elles avaient la vision de créer une pratique privée bienveillante, confidentielle, compétente et éthique, à une époque où la plupart des psychologues travaillaient dans des hôpitaux, des commissions scolaires et des agences. Elles ont rapidement développé une vision d'avoir une gamme complète de services psychologiques pour évaluer et traiter un large éventail de difficultés et de troubles à travers toute les tranches d'âge.


En raison du niveau de sensibilité, de compétence et de connaissances de ces psychologues, elles ont attiré vers eux d’autres psychologues qualifiés. En 1992, elles étaient cinq femmes psychologues: Dr Jackson et Dr Davies étaient rejoints par Dr Frances Smyth, Dr Doreen Gough et Dr Catherine Pink. Quelques années plus tard, lorsque Dr Pink a pris sa retraite, Dr Anne Boland s'est jointe au partenariat.

À mesure que l'entreprise se développait et que la demande de services augmentait, d'autres psychologues partageant les mêmes idées se sont joints à GPS; à leur tour, ils ont également ajouté un ensemble de compétences au groupe. Au fil des années, le groupe de psychologues a su couvrir la quasi-totalité des besoins psychologiques de la communauté.

Pour en savoir plus sur certains de nos incroyables anciens employés et partenaires, consultez notre page Hommages!

Gilmour aujourd'hui

De nombreux psychologues ont servi en tant que superviseurs ou stagiaires pour les différents niveaux de formation requis pour devenir psychologue clinicien. En 2020, en réponse au besoin croissant d'opportunités de formation pendant la pandémie de COVID-19, GPS a commencé à proposer des stages aux étudiants au doctorat du programme de l'École de psychologie de l'Université d'Ottawa. En 2022, le GPS est devenu un site de stage officiel, avec Dr Deanna Drahovzal et Dr Emma Dargie comme codirectrices. Dr Drahovzal est également professeure clinique à l'Université d'Ottawa, où elle enseigne des cours sur les compétences d'évaluation et d'intervention aux étudiants au doctorat.

En 2022, les associés fondateurs du cabinet ont pris leur retraite de leurs fonctions de supervision des aspects administratifs de GPS, mais sont restés psychologues au sein du groupe. Le Dr Deanna Drahovzal et le Dr Caroline Ostiguy sont depuis devenus les codirecteurs du cabinet.

Notre équipe administrative

Mme Susan McCallum s'est jointe à GPS en 2017 en tant qu'adjointe administrative. Elle apporte à notre équipe des décennies d’expérience et d’expertise administrative.

Presli Evasuk est une ancienne bénévole à GPS et a maintenant joint l'équipe administrative en avril 2024. Presli suit également une formation pour devenir psychométricienne auprès de certains psychologues à GPS. Elle étudie présentement en psychologie à l'Université Carleton.

Kristi Rudolph a joint GPS en tant que chef de bureau en avril 2024. Elle possède une riche expérience administrative, une formation en sécurité, en gestion des stocks et un diplôme en comptabilité. Elle assure les opérations administratives quotidiennes du bureau et supervise le personnel administratif.

Nos psychométriciens

Un psychométricien est un professionnel qui possède des compétences spécialisées dans l’administration de tests neuropsychologiques et psychométriques. Il s'agit d'une profession non réglementée, mais les psychométriciens sont supervisés par des psychologues cliniciens  dont la profession est réglementée (par exemple, par l'Ordre des psychologues et des analystes du comportement de l'Ontario). Les psychométriciens doivent être supervisés par un psychologue, car de nombreux tests psychologiques ne peuvent être administrés que par des psychologues ou par d'autres professionnels de la santé mentale qualifiés.

En savoir plus sur les psychométriciens

Nos psychologues

Tous nos psychologues utilisent des traitements psychologiques traditionnels fondés sur la science de la psychologie. Ils combinent une expertise technique, des connaissances continuellement mises à jour, des années d'expérience et un soutien compatissant. En plus de la psychothérapie, ils proposent des tests et des consultations psychologiques. Le traitement est adapté aux besoins du client et les services peuvent parfois être offerts en anglais et en français.

Tous les associés sont des psychologues professionnels pleinement qualifiés, tous titulaires d'un doctorat et enregistrés comme psychologues auprès de la province de l'Ontario. Le maintien des normes professionnelles les plus élevées est toujours notre priorité.

20 septembre 2022
Dr. Jackson has focused on adult psychotherapy with individuals and couples since she opened her practice in Ottawa in 1981. She also conducts psychological testing of adults including psychological-legal assessments for specific types of civil, criminal and family law matters.
17 septembre 2022
Dr. Davies provides psychological services to individual adults, couples, children, and their families. She has had her own private practice since 1989, and for seven years prior to that worked as a supervised associate in private practice.
15 septembre 2022
Dr. Weinberger provides therapy and consultation services to adults. He also conducts assessments of adults (intellectual, memory, learning, behaviour, personality, mental health, vocational, disability, and career).
9 septembre 2022
Dr. Drahovzal provides psychotherapy and assessment services to children, adults, couples, and families at Gilmour Psychological Services® in Ottawa.
7 septembre 2022
Dr. Pantin's approach, tailored to her clients’ needs, integrates interpersonal and cognitive perspectives to assist them in developing strategies and skills to make positive changes in their lives.
5 septembre 2022
Dr. Zahradnik provides psychodiagnostic assessment and psychotherapeutic services to both adolescents and adults.
3 septembre 2022
Dr. Ostiguy provides psychotherapy to Anglophone and Francophone adults and young adults. She works with clients experiencing a wide range of challenges such as anger problems, low self-esteem, anxiety, and stress management. Her particular area of expertise is in the assessment and treatment of mood disorders such as depression and bipolar disorder.
1 septembre 2022
Dr. Henry’s prevailing theoretical orientation integrates cognitive-behavioural and schema-focused theories. Valuing each person’s individuality, she tailors her approach to her clients’ needs. Additionally, she works collaboratively with each person to assist them to develop awareness and strategies to make positive changes in their lives.
30 août 2022
Dr. Miller’s theoretical orientation integrates interpersonal, cognitive behavioural, schema-focused and mindfulness-based approaches in helping clients develop an increased awareness of the factors that cause and maintain their difficulties. She guides them towards achieving their goals and making positive changes in their lives.
28 août 2022
Dr. Angelina Chupetlovska provides treatment to children, adolescents, adults and families. She also conducts child custody and access assessments. In her psychotherapy orientation Dr. Chupetlovska brings together aspects from the psychodynamic, cognitive-behavioural, rational-emotive, and humanistic approaches.
24 août 2022
Dr. Elisabeth Melsom provides psychological assessment services to children (age 6+ years), adolescents, and adults, including military and veterans, at Gilmour Psychological Services® in Ottawa
22 août 2022
Dr. Dargie maintains a client-centered, evidence-based, sex-positive, LGBTQ-positive approach to psychotherapy. She provides individual and couple therapy to Anglophone adults experiencing a wide variety of challenges and circumstances
20 août 2022
Dr. Karima Lacène provides psychological services, including assessment and individual therapy, to children, adolescents and adults. She works with clients experiencing a wide range of challenges including anxiety, depression, trauma, relationship issues, grief, adjustment to life stressors, self esteem and stress management. She also provides psycho-educational assessments for children, adolescents and adults, including testing for Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder and Learning Disabilities.
18 août 2022
Dr. Amanda Timmers provides psychological services by video or phone to couples and individual adults in the province of Ontario. Her primary theoretical orientations are cognitive-behavioural therapy and emotion-focused therapy, though she integrates other evidence-based treatment modalities to meet clients’ specific needs. Dr. Timmers takes a collaborative, supportive approach to psychotherapy, to help clients better understand themselves and make positive changes in their lives.
12 août 2022
Dr. Murray provides assessment and treatment to adults and seniors. She uses a number of evidence-based treatments to address client’s needs and the challenges that they are facing. Dr. Murray works collaboratively with clients to identify their goals and guide them towards making positive and lasting changes in their life. Her main goal is to help clients identify their individual strengths and overcome barriers that may be preventing them from feeling content and fulfilled.
10 août 2022
As a Clinical and Health Psychologist, Dr. Davies believes in promoting wellness and resilience, both mentally and physically. She works with adults and adolescents. Her primary approach to therapy is Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy (CBT), a type of treatment that has been extensively supported by research showing it to be highly effective for treating a wide variety of mental health concerns. This approach is complemented with other evidence-based tools and techniques such as mindfulness, self-compassion, acceptance and resilience building to better tailor her approach to an individual’s needs.
8 août 2021
Dr. Fernie has worked extensively with childhood trauma and personality difficulties. Dr. Fernie has also worked with people who needed treatment overcoming single incident traumas, interpersonal difficulties, mood disorders (including anxiety and depression), obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), self-esteem, stress and other major mental health issues. She is experienced in assessing and developing individualised treatment plans collaboratively with clients. Her therapy choices are client dependent and she uses an integrated approach.
a woman in a plaid shirt smiles for the camera
6 août 2021
Dr. Scarapicchia provides assessment and treatment services to adolescents, adults, and seniors, including psychotherapy, neuropsychological assessments, and psychodiagnostic assessments.
a woman wearing glasses and a maroon jacket smiles for the camera
4 août 2021
Dr. Leanne Kane provides individual therapy and psychodiagnostic assessment services to adults in English and in French. She obtained her Doctorate in Clinical Psychology at the University of Ottawa, where she also completed her internship at the Centre for Psychological Services and Research.
2 août 2021
Dr. Dellouche welcomes French and English-speaking patients. She works with adults and seniors. She offers treatment for a wide range of issues. Her main areas of interest include anxiety, vulnerability to overwhelming or intense emotions, interpersonal issues, trauma, eating disorders and experiences of growth through adverse life events.
Headshot of Dr. Arthur Braaten
31 juillet 2021
Dr. Arthur Braaten provides psychodiagnostic assessment and individual therapy to adults for a range of psychological concerns. He believes that psychotherapy is a collaborative process that is tailored to each individual and their unique background. His approach to therapy is integrative and is informed by several evidenced-based approaches.
Brittany Mutsaers headshot
29 juillet 2021
Dr. Mutsaers provides individual and couple psychotherapy for adult clients. Her work primarily focuses on helping adults and couples cope with acute and chronic health issues (e.g., cancer, infertility, chronic pain, and sexual dysfunction).
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Psychologues en pratique supervisée

Nos psychologues en pratique supervisée ont complété toute leur formation clinique, ainsi que leur résidence clinique et leur doctorat. À ce stade, ils entrent en pratique supervisée et travaillent sous la supervision d’un collègue plus expérimenté jusqu’à ce qu’ils soient officiellement enregistrés comme psychologues « autonomes ». Ce processus prend généralement un an. Ces psychologues sont hautement qualifiés et utilisent à la fois leur propre expertise ainsi que celle de leurs psychologues seniors afin d'aider leurs clients.

Nos services

29 septembre 2023
What is a Psychometrist?
4 août 2022
Alcoholism is addiction, involving a dependency on a substance. Addictions, including alcoholism involve compulsive, self-defeating behaviour that continues in spite of negative consequences. Stopping the behaviour results in extreme physical and mental discomfort, which tends to contribute to people returning to their addiction. Many psychologists are experts in helping people recover from their addictions and live successful and more comfortable lives.
2 août 2022
An addiction refers to having a dependency on a substance or a process. An example of a substance dependency is alcoholism. Examples of process addictions include having a gambling or an Internet addiction. Addictions involve compulsive, self-defeating behaviour that continues in spite of negative consequences. Stopping the behaviour results in extreme physical and mental discomfort, which tends to contribute to people returning to their addiction. Many psychologists are experts in helping people recover from their addictions and live successful and more comfortable lives.
31 juillet 2022
While everyone gets angry from time to time, some people have rage reactions or explosive outbursts which emotionally or even physically hurt other people in their surroundings. Even the intense direct expression of anger can be problematic if people do not control where and when they express anger. These days, tolerance for intense, angry behaviour is low, even if expressed only in words. Angry outbursts can be considered abusive and can result in reprimands in the work place or fines and charges in public places.
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29 juillet 2022
Anxiety has been frequently described as feelings of fright, flight or freeze. This means that people experiencing anxiety have both the mental and the physical, visceral feelings of wanting to escape the situation, fight what is challenging or simply cannot move in any direction to deal with what is troubling them.
27 juillet 2022
Psychological Assessments are used by psychologists to help determine a diagnosis and inform the course of treatment. There are many different components to these assessments such as different tests, interviews, school and medical records, medical information, and observation.
25 juillet 2022
Children present with behavioural problems for a variety of reasons. In some cases, children’s behaviour problems are caused by the child’s temperament or by biologically based conditions such as Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. In other cases, the child is reacting to stressors or changes in the environment. Some examples would be parental separation and divorce or loss of a parent. Psychologists can help parents to understand the causes of their child’s behaviour and can then advise how to best deal with their child’s problems. Psychologists may offer individual therapy for the child if appropriate or may consult with the parents regarding strategies they can employ to deal with their child’s behaviour more effectively.
23 juillet 2022
Bipolar disorder is a mental illness that can cause significant shifts in mood and energy, including depressive lows and manic highs. Bipolar symptoms usually become apparent during late adolescence or early adulthood. Symptoms can be triggered by events, as well, such as pregnancy and childbirth.
21 juillet 2022
Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) is essentially a disorder of emotional dysregulation and those of us who are experts in the field would like to see it renamed as such. Those at risk for developing BPD are genetically and neurologically predisposed to a greater sensitivity to life events, particularly interpersonal events. If this greater sensitivity is combined with an early invalidating or abusive family environment, the person is at higher risk of developing the disorder. Alternatively, if the family cannot teach the sensitive child to manage or regulate his or her emotions, general life experience may also foster the development of BPD or BPD traits.
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19 juillet 2022
Burnout is a condition in which the individual feels completely overwhelmed from an increasing inability to cope with a build-up of stressors considered within the normal range of human experiences. Many of the symptoms are common to depression, including diminished interest and enjoyment of work and personal life.
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17 juillet 2022
Childhood trauma refers to when a child experiences a traumatic event that results in negative and pervasive physical, psychological and cognitive effects.
15 juillet 2022
Codependency is an emotional and behavioural condition that leads to imbalanced relationships. In codependent relationships, there is often one individual enabling another’s self-destructive behaviour, such as substance abuse, poor mental health and coping skills, immaturity, and under-achievement. Codependency can lead to individuals staying in unhealthy or abusive relationships because they feel as though they cannot live without the other person.
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13 juillet 2022
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) is a form of talk therapy that focuses on reframing harmful or painful thoughts and behaviours. This form of therapy is often used to treat anxiety and depression but can be helpful with many different mental and physical challenges.
11 juillet 2022
Throughout life, in the various contexts such as home or work, it is very common to come across conflicts and differences of opinions. It is often possible to resolve these challenges alone, but sometimes these disagreements can cause intense negative emotions, which can escalate the situation. In those cases, it can be helpful to have a mediator to filter through the emotions and clarify the facts.
9 juillet 2022
Crisis intervention is an urgent and temporary care given to an individual experiencing a crisis. The purpose of this intervention is to interrupt and prevent negative or harmful behaviours and reduce emotional distress, with the hope that the client (an individual, couple or family) will be able to return to their usual level of functioning and be able to cope with future crises with greater ease.
5 juillet 2022
Cultural adaptation is the ability of individuals to overcome changes in their natural and social environments. It is common for individuals to experience certain challenges following relocating from regions or countries with cultures different from where they are from or used to.
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3 juillet 2022
Depression is a state of low mood in which people feel helpless, hopeless, worthless, lethargic and unable to enjoy the things that used to give them pleasure. People who are depressed are often irritable or pessimistic. Their low mood goes beyond having “the blues” or being sad. Even people who are grieving usually do not sink into depression. People diagnosed with a Major Depressive Disorder cannot just “pull up their socks” to get better. They require professional help. Psychologists use a variety of scientifically based psychotherapeutic approaches to help people recover from depression.
1 juillet 2022
Dialectic Behavioural Therapy (DBT) is a form of talk therapy that is particularly helpful for individuals experiencing very intense emotions and can be used to treat mood disorders and interpersonal conflicts. It focuses on accepting feelings and thoughts. DBT addresses feelings directly through techniques focused on emotional regulation and distress tolerance.
27 juin 2022
Eating disorders are common illnesses that are very serious and can be fatal. These disorders refer to changes in the eating and exercise behaviours of individuals as well as thoughts or emotions surrounding eating. Some possible signs of an eating disorder are preoccupations with body weight, body shape, and food.
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25 juin 2022
Couples and families often go through experiences that can challenge the stability of the relationships, leading to feelings of anger, fear, betrayal, and lack of trust. In these instances, Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) can be beneficial to provide guidance on how to improve the relationships. EFT can also be helpful for individuals who are experiencing depression or the effects of trauma, such as individuals who are struggling to cope with their own illness or the illness of their child.
24 juin 2022
EMDR is an evidence-based integrative psychotherapy that was developed in the late 1980s initially as a treatment for Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). It is based on the Adaptive Information Processing theory which suggests that the psychopathology is the result of maladaptive encoding and/or incomplete processing of traumatic or disturbing adverse events. EMDR aims to complete or store more adaptively these memories.
23 juin 2022
Parents and their children may love each other but when they clash, it can be distressing. When disagreements occur often, if not at seemingly every turn, it can create a stressful home environment. Parents and their children may not always see eye-to-eye, especially in this ever-changing and complex world, and communication and problem-solving can be an ongoing challenge, however, these are skills that can be learned and can be improved upon. As well, professional help may be invaluable should things get out of hand and when emotions flare and conflict threatens to become the new norm.
21 juin 2022
The family unit that raises and lives with an individual is called a Family of Origin. This is not necessarily a biological family, as family structure can be very complex. Families of origin have a lasting impact on an individual's development, and help shape worldview, relationship development and patterns, physical health, and mental resilience.
19 juin 2022
As individuals age, their physical and mental capacity gradually decrease and the risk of disease and death increases. Aging individuals often face significant physical changes such as reduction in vision and hearing, chronic pain, and other illnesses. As well, aging also brings other significant transitions in life such as retirement, moving into housing with more assistance, and the death of peers.
17 juin 2022
Grief is the emotional response to the loss of someone, something or some place of emotional significance to the person. Grief is a normal emotion which has impact on people’s physical, mental, behavioural and social states. People who are grieving usually experience fatigue and find that everything takes more effort.
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15 juin 2022
Chronic pain and mental health disorders often occur together. In fact, research suggests that chronic pain and mental health problems can contribute to and exacerbate each other.
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12 juin 2022
Clients are referred by lawyers, insurers, healthcare professionals, and other third parties for specific Independent Medical Assessments such as neuropsychological and psychological evaluations. Independent psychological assessments involve an approach that combines interviews and psychological tests designed to contribute to the psychologists’ professional opinion about the state of mind and psychological functioning of the client. The referral questions typically involve the courts, lawyers, or insurance companies. The assessment is conducted by a psychologist who has not yet previously been involved in the client’s treatment and will not be seeing the client for treatment in the future. The psychologist provides an impartial, objective opinion about the client’s state of mind and the probable causes of that state of mind.
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11 juin 2022
Identity relates to an individual’s sense of self that is built through experiences, relationships, beliefs, values, and memories. This sense of self stays mostly consistent regardless of any aspects of the self that develop or strengthen as time progresses. Certain factors or events might contribute to an overall sense of uncertainty regarding one or more areas of an individual’s identity, including career aspirations, sexual and gender orientation, social circles, values, and behaviour.
9 juin 2022
Incest describes sexual abuse that is committed against a child by a parent or close family member. Survivors of this form of abuse may have varying impacts into adulthood. These individuals are at an increased risk of experiencing poor self-esteem, shame, self-hatred, interpersonal difficulties, as well as a sense of helplessness and worthlessness.
7 juin 2022
Infertility often has a detrimental effect on an individual’s self-esteem, emotions, relationships, identity and beliefs about life. Symptoms of anxiety and depression are common. There can be a profound sense of loss of the desired child and ensuing sense of helplessness and powerlessness. One may harbour a sense of shame, alienation, isolation or jealousy and anger of others. There is inevitable strain on the couple in their physical and emotional intimacy, such as blame or guilt. Sex may even become less enjoyable and fraught with anxiety as they try to conceive during particular time periods.
5 juin 2022
Learning disabilities cause a child to experience difficulty achieving academically to the level that would be expected given the child’s general intellectual ability. There are different types of learning disabilities which affect achievement in different ways and which require different forms of intervention.Psychologists can assist parents in planning for their child’s education by providing a psychoeducational assessment. These assessments provide clarification as to the nature of the child’s disability and provide recommendations for interventions which can help the child to achieve their academic potential. Such assessments also help parents to be aware of the type of post-secondary educational programs in which their child is likely to achieve success in future.
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3 juin 2022
Psychologists can provide a safe space to address issues related to gender and sexuality. Common themes include mental health symptoms (depression, anxiety, substance use, gender dysphoria), rejection/bullying, relationship difficulties, confusion, the coming out process, isolation, etc.
3 juin 2022
A life transition can be any change or adjustment that impacts your life in a significant way. We all experience transitions throughout our lives — big and small, planned and unplanned, easy and difficult.
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30 mai 2022
If you and your partner have been having constant unresolved relationship difficulties, you may find couples’ therapy extremely rewarding, even if at times it is difficult, stressful and frightening.
29 mai 2022
Mentalization Based Therapy (MBT) is an evidence-based psychotherapy which was developed by Dr. Anthony Bateman and Dr. Peter Fonagy from the Anna Freud Center (London UK). Mentalizing is the idea of keeping someone else’s mind in your mind. Successful mentalizing involves the understanding of what is going on in our own minds and the minds of other people along with realising how this may be affecting the emotions, thoughts and actions of both ourselves and those around us. However, when our mental health is affected this can lead to impairments in our abilities to mentalize, which can lead to misunderstandings of emotions, thoughts and actions which can negatively impact on social interactions and relationships. The goal of MBT therapy is to help individuals to increase their mentalizing capacity in the here and now.
28 mai 2022
Mindfulness is the ability to be aware of present thoughts, emotions, physical sensations and the surrounding environment and label them from an objective viewpoint, without judgment.
24 mai 2022
Neuropsychology is the study of the relationship between the brain and behaviour. The evaluations are comprehensive and address both cognitive and character-related aspects of an individual. Assessments provide a diagnosis regarding the individual’s level of cognitive and emotional function and a medical-legal opinion regarding SABS (Statutory Accident Benefits), long-term disability and specific legal questions.
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22 mai 2022
Many different factors can effect a person’s experience of pain. Pain therapy by a psychologist involves discovering and adjusting such factors. The issues that make the experience of pain more intense include environment stresses, difficult relationships and individual factors, such as anxious thinking, inaccurate beliefs, having few skills to handle stress, and negative health habits. Psychologists also help people understand how their pain impacts the various parts of their life, and helps them cope with their pain in useful ways to reduce how much the pain interferes with their quality of life.
20 mai 2022
Children are affected by parental separation and divorce in different ways. Research has indicated that children react in different ways at different ages and that other factors than parental separation alone influence the degree to which a child’s adjustment can be affected by parental separation and divorce.
18 mai 2022
Play therapy is often beneficial for helping children experiencing social or emotional deficits improve their communication skills, address challenging behaviours, and foster healthy ways of relating to others. Children who have experienced or witnessed stressful events such as abuse, serious illness, or domestic violence may benefit from play therapy.
16 mai 2022
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is an anxiety disorder that can follow the experiencing or witnessing of a severe trauma involving the actual or threat of death or serious injury to the self or others. The traumatized person has typically reacted to the trauma with intense fear, helplessness or horror. Alternatively, an accumulation of less intensely damaging situations (‘small ‘t’ traumas’) can over time also lead to PTSD.
14 mai 2022
Psychoanalysis is a classical and modern method of long-term psychological treatment. It is complex and is more than psychotherapy. Psychoanalysis often eases psychological suffering after many other therapy methods have had limited success.
12 mai 2022
Whether we work for others or are self-employed our working life can go on for decades. It can mean so much in how we see ourselves and whether we feel accomplished or not. Vocational/career counselling helps get us on track.
10 mai 2022
Religion and spirituality give many individuals a sense of meaning in their lives and can be a great resource for finding a sense of community. As well, religious and spiritual beliefs can provide comfort and strength in times of crisis. Despite all of the positive aspects of religion and spirituality, they can also cause strain and stress.
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6 mai 2022
Self-esteem refers to the perception of oneself (values, abilities, self-worth, etc.). It impacts one’s relationships, mental health, and achievement. For instance, negative self-regard can lead to mood disturbances, anxiety, and loneliness; It can increase the likelihood of conflict in relationships and increase vulnerability to substance abuse. On the other hand, individuals with positive self-views are generally more likely to maintain positive relationships, maintain a positive outlook on life, and achieve success.
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4 mai 2022
Sexual dysfunction is a common problem that affects individuals of all genders.This term covers a broad range of challenges relating to sexual activity and often has multiple causes that can be both physical and mental. Sex can be a significant part of life, and as such, sexual dysfunction can be experienced as distressing, causing feelings of isolation, shame, and depression, which in turn can also have a profound negative impact on existing relationships.
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2 mai 2022
Sexual pain can be very distressing and women who suffer from it often feel isolated, ashamed, and depressed. Pain can also have a profound negative impact on existing relationships. Fortunately, psychologists can help manage sexual pain, often in conjunction with physicians and physiotherapists. Psychologists can help address traumatic sexual experiences, reduce negative emotions, and decrease the fear of painful sex in order to improve sexual functioning.
30 avril 2022
Sleep disorders are common conditions that negatively affect the quality and/or amount of sleep. Sleep disorders can result in individuals receiving too much or too little sleep, poor quality of sleep, and sometimes strange or dangerous behaviours while sleeping.
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24 avril 2022
It is important to look at the effect or impact that stress and anxiety has on your work and home life. A professional therapist – psychologist, psychiatrist, social worker or counsellor can assist in the stress management process.
22 avril 2022
Psychologists can help individuals process and understand the emotions that arise from being diagnosed with a terminal illness. They can help clients cope with grief and communicate with loved ones. Family members can benefit from therapy, too. Feelings of anticipatory grief can be explored. Family members can also be supported through the upcoming reality of a life without their loved one. In addition, psychologists can provide grief counselling after a loved one has died.
20 avril 2022
Sometimes we need to talk to someone about finding a job or what type of job might suit best, or when considering a change in career or when needing to figure out how to stop feeling stagnant and how to re-vitalize ourselves so that we feel good again about our work. Making a living, doing well at work, and feeling satisfied and fulfilled in what we do is important not just in wanting to move ahead and earn to our potential but also in developing and maintaining a positive self-image.
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