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Dr. Alex Weinberger, C. Psych.

Dr. Weinberger provides therapy and consultation services to adults. He also conducts assessments of adults (intellectual, memory, learning, behaviour, personality, mental health, vocational, disability, and career).

Dr. Weinberger has over thirty years of experience as a clinical psychologist, having worked with a number of age groups, and with clients presenting with a variety of personal, social, relationship, mental health, work, learning and education-related problems. He opened his private practice in Ottawa in 1993. Dr. Weinberger joined Gilmour Psychological Services® in 1994.

Dr. Weinberger’s orientation is best described as integrated given his training in a number of major treatment approaches. He is a strong believer in establishing rapport with the client and in respecting and promoting one’s right to autonomy and self-direction.

Dr. Weinberger obtained an Honors B.A. in Psychology from Sir George Williams University in Montreal. He received his M.A. and Doctorate degrees from the University of Windsor in Ontario.

Dr. Weinberger is registered as a psychologist with the College of Psychologists of Ontario. He has extensive experience working in the mental health system and in school psychology. Among his other interests in psychology and professional practice, Dr. Weinberger has taught at universities, has published in professional journals, and he has served as Registrar of the Saskatchewan Psychology Association and on the executive of the Ottawa Academy of Psychology.

Dr. Weinberger’s practice includes receiving self-referrals through the Gilmour Psychological Services® central referral website, as well as referrals from physicians, lawyers, vocational-rehabilitation counsellors, and, with consent, family members. Evening appointments are available.

Psychologist Expertise

Areas of specific interest to Dr. Weinberger include:

July 31, 2022
While everyone gets angry from time to time, some people have rage reactions or explosive outbursts which emotionally or even physically hurt other people in their surroundings. Even the intense direct expression of anger can be problematic if people do not control where and when they express anger. These days, tolerance for intense, angry behaviour is low, even if expressed only in words. Angry outbursts can be considered abusive and can result in reprimands in the work place or fines and charges in public places.
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July 29, 2022
Anxiety has been frequently described as feelings of fright, flight or freeze. This means that people experiencing anxiety have both the mental and the physical, visceral feelings of wanting to escape the situation, fight what is challenging or simply cannot move in any direction to deal with what is troubling them.
July 27, 2022
Psychological Assessments are used by psychologists to help determine a diagnosis and inform the course of treatment. There are many different components to these assessments such as different tests, interviews, school and medical records, medical information, and observation.
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July 3, 2022
Depression is a state of low mood in which people feel helpless, hopeless, worthless, lethargic and unable to enjoy the things that used to give them pleasure. People who are depressed are often irritable or pessimistic. Their low mood goes beyond having “the blues” or being sad. Even people who are grieving usually do not sink into depression. People diagnosed with a Major Depressive Disorder cannot just “pull up their socks” to get better. They require professional help. Psychologists use a variety of scientifically based psychotherapeutic approaches to help people recover from depression.
June 5, 2022
Learning disabilities cause a child to experience difficulty achieving academically to the level that would be expected given the child’s general intellectual ability. There are different types of learning disabilities which affect achievement in different ways and which require different forms of intervention.Psychologists can assist parents in planning for their child’s education by providing a psychoeducational assessment. These assessments provide clarification as to the nature of the child’s disability and provide recommendations for interventions which can help the child to achieve their academic potential. Such assessments also help parents to be aware of the type of post-secondary educational programs in which their child is likely to achieve success in future.
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May 6, 2022
Self-esteem refers to the perception of oneself (values, abilities, self-worth, etc.). It impacts one’s relationships, mental health, and achievement. For instance, negative self-regard can lead to mood disturbances, anxiety, and loneliness; It can increase the likelihood of conflict in relationships and increase vulnerability to substance abuse. On the other hand, individuals with positive self-views are generally more likely to maintain positive relationships, maintain a positive outlook on life, and achieve success.
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April 24, 2022
It is important to look at the effect or impact that stress and anxiety has on your work and home life. A professional therapist – psychologist, psychiatrist, social worker or counsellor can assist in the stress management process.
April 20, 2022
Sometimes we need to talk to someone about finding a job or what type of job might suit best, or when considering a change in career or when needing to figure out how to stop feeling stagnant and how to re-vitalize ourselves so that we feel good again about our work. Making a living, doing well at work, and feeling satisfied and fulfilled in what we do is important not just in wanting to move ahead and earn to our potential but also in developing and maintaining a positive self-image.

Psychologist Expertise

To reach Dr. Alex Weinberger directly, please phone 613-230-4709 ext.136

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